Saturday, October 11, 2008


I love the snow. It makes me so happy. Summer is always fun, but personally I would much rather have the cold and calm of winter. I think its cause snow= skiing, and boy do I love skiing. It truly is amazing. Nothing calms me more or clears my head like a good day of skiing. Which kinda worries me. The past few years I have been able to ski a ton because I've been working at a ski shop, which has allowed me to ski at least 75 days for the past two years. This year however I decided to work at a different job. I'm pretty excited for it, but I am wondering what I'll do when instead of skiing to relieve stress.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Its a message from the heart

So I volunteer with a youth organization called Young Life. Well more specifically Wyldlife, its pretty awesome. The best way to describe it would be wrangling cats, no I do not work with adolescent cat people. I work with junior highers... which I guess are kinda like adolescent cat people sometimes... yeah its pretty ridiculous. The kids are awesome, and also I get to do funny things like skits where I wear a size small soccer uniform and pretend to be a blue mike and ike named tike... yeah... But probably the best part about it is that every single club (our weekly meetings where we play games and hang with the kids) the kids hear the gospel, and its not from some random person but its from me and the other leaders. We tell them a story about ourselves then we present a real and tangible heart felt gospel that meets the kids where they are. Quite honestly thats what is all about, games funny skits and raffle prizes aside, its purely and simply about meeting kids where they are and presenting them the gospel the way that it was supposed to be done. Truth filled and simple

Monday, October 6, 2008


Today I dropped my sandwich on the ground at work. I got super pissed, then kinda depressed. I don't know why, but I did. I've been doing that a lot lately. Getting angry or depressed over really little things. But then I feel numb to things that I should get emotional about. I don't know why, but its been happening more and more lately. Its been happening for a couple of years. I go through periods of time where i really don't feel much of anything at all. Then randomly I feel it all come over me in waves.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Here We Go

I have recently been inspired to start blogging again. I had one a few years ago but that slowly degraded into me putting up poorly composed top ten lists. That will not happen again, this is mainly as an outlet for whatever i feel like, you know, movie reviews, television shows, poetry and things that just make me giddy. well thats all for now. I'm going for a slurpee